UBI sounds great on paper, but in reality it is a really terrible idea for 99.99% of all humans.

Free Money!
No need to work. Ever.
Free time to do fun stuff.

There is no way to actually make UBI immutably universal (Laws can be changed, promises broken, …)

When your job is fully automated, you have no value for the Elites and are now dispensable.

Worse yet, you are now a burden, a cost, a “parasite” for the system. There is no incentive to keep you around.

Historically even the most cruel of rulers have been dependent on their subjects for labor and resources.

Threat of rebellion kept even the most vicious Despots in check.
However, rebellion is no longer an option under UBI system.

At any point, UBI might get revoked and you have no appeal.
Remember: Law, Police, Army, everything is now fully Al automated and under Elites’ control.

If the Elites revoke your UBI, what are you going to do?
Against army of billion Al drones & ever present surveillance?