AI Corporates

Featured image contributed by @AlexAlarga and @the_yanco


To Reboot your OpenAI Company press CTRL + ALTman + DELETE

inspired by:

So get this straight: OpenAi decides to become a for-profit company now
The CTO, head of research, and VP of training research all decide to leave on the same day this is announced
Sam Altman gets a $10.5B pay day (7% of the company) on the same day

How it started …
How it’s going …

And what comes Next

See below some posts by the community to get the pulse of the situation:

Meanwhile Mira from OpenAi

view original by @JvShah124 🔗

OpenAI is without its people

view original by @StockLizardKing 🔗

GPT-5 Also decided to leave OpenAI!

view original by @JacquesThibs

Sam Altman as a Rogue AGI

“And after the autonomous agent was found to be deceptive and manipulative, OpenAI tried shutting it down, only to discover that the agent had disabled the off-switch.” (reference to the failed Boardroom Coup)

OpenAI’s creators hired Sam Altman, an extremely intelligent autonomous agent, to execute their vision of x-risk conscious AGI development for the benefit of all humanity but it turned out to be impossible to control him or ensure he’d stay durably aligned to those goals.

Originals by @AISafetyMemes and @MattyGlessias

Sam Altman claiming no financial motive for his OpenAI role

(*Spontaneous round of applause*)

This did not age well

Sam said …

  • Sam said the board should be able to fire him, then…
  • Sam said he’d give 20% of compute for superalignment, then…
  • Sam said AI regulation was important, then…
  • Sam said checks and balances on his power were important, then…
  • Sam said the safest way to build ASI was to start now, before a compute overhang,
    then started raising trillions to build the compute himself
  • Sam said for safety reasons, OpenAI should be controlled by a non-profit, free from commercial pressures, then…
  • Sam said he wasn’t doing it for the money, then…
  • Sam said… ….

The bottomline

  • The nonprofit — a for profit.
  • Profit caps — lifted.
  • Coup plotters — dealt with.
  • Mask — off.

view original by @AISafetyMemes 🔗

Scoop: Sam Altman is planning to take equity in OpenAI for the first time.
It’s part of a corporate restructure which will also see the non-profit which currently governs OpenAI turn into a minority shareholder.
Reuters Article

view original by @DavidSKrueger🔗

It can be lonely being the head of the family

Lol…but it’s truly weird…they all started together

view original by @Dcryptopioneer

For some reason this reminded me of :

This is the classic example from 1930 of Stalin and Nikolai Yezhov. The original photo was made in 1930. Yezhov was executed in 1940, so all photos of Stalin (he liked this one) after that airbrushed out Yezhov.

Never a boring day at OpenAI

More from the OpenAI insiders themselves

But China …

Big news: instead of racing, China takes the lead on issuing restrictive new AI regulations

And the new regulations come into effect just one month from now, on August 15, 2023.

“So few Westerners seem to understand that Xi Jinping Thought and the CCP was never going to permit an anarchic, reckless, headlong rush towards AGI capabilities.

In terms of AI X risk, the US is the danger.” – Geoffrey Miller

“Who could have guessed that one of the most oppressive and censorious regimes might not want their tech companies racing ahead with unprecedented uncontrollable technology?” – Connor Leahy

How do AI Executives sleep at night

Big oil companies use the same arguments as big AI companies.
This was originally a climate change comic and it’s crazy how little it had to change to make it work.

  • That’s easy: money is the only reality.
  • It’s fun building ai. Why do you hate fun?
  • I can afford to insulate myself from a flaming hellplanet.
  • If i don’t cause human extinction, someone else will.
  • I’m just doing my fiduciary duty for investors.
  • Ah, a way to control something way smarter will come along any day now. Any… Day… Now…
  • Actually, i’m deeply traumatized, but i’m caught up in an unstoppable corporate machine. Please help!
  • By building al, i’m helping people live. Until they don’t anymore.

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