Identity theft cases are about to explode.
November 23
January 24
When I posted the left photo, imagination-poor skeptics mocked me for being “alarmist”, “I can tell it’s fake” blah blah blah
But how exactly will criminals steal your identity? They will use open source models to generate perfect deepfakes of you and drain your bank accounts, or steal the title to your house, or whatever.
It’s over.
Prompt: Selfie of a lady holding a handwritten small sign that says “r/roastme” “08/04/24” “username”
But the real problem isn’t identity theft – that’s a solvable problem – the problem is Exponential Slope Blindness.
Over and over people predict 1) no progress, or 2) linear progress and are then surprised by the continued exponential progress.
So people continually underestimate how powerful AI will be, which makes them underestimate the danger. It’s just a funny monkey robot doing tricks.
It’s not that we can’t solve the verification problem (we can), it’s about people repeatedly underestimating AI progress.
I say again: if AI can get this good this fast at this… maybe it can get good at other things insanely fast too? Like making superviruses, hacking, programming?
And we must be careful, because it’s dangerous to speedrun a new potential apex species through a million years of evolution