How realistic is a utopia where different species with extremely/vastly different levels of IQ trade with eachother?

It’s so funny when people say that we could just trade with a superintelligent/super-numerous AI.
We don’t trade with ants.
We don’t trade with chimps. We don’t trade with pigs.
We take what we want!
If there’s something they have that we want, we enslave them. Or worse! We go and farm them!
A superintelligent/super-numerous AI killing us all isn’t actually the worst outcome of this reckless gamble the tech companies are making with all our lives.
If the AI wants something that requires living humans and it’s not aligned with our values, it could make factory farming look like a tropical vacation.
We’re superintelligent compared to animals and we’ve created hell for trillions of them
Let’s not risk repeating this.
The thing that keeps me up at night is that quote of
“what they’re doing now with pixels, later they could do with flesh”

“If the AI wants something that requires living humans and it’s not aligned with our values, it could make factory farming look like a tropical vacation.”
“and humanity will stride through the pillars of Boaz and Jachin, naked into the glory of a golden age” (from “Don’t Look Up)